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Duneland School Corporation

Duneland School Corporation


Schools Family, Community & Civic Organizations Colleges & Education


Duneland School Corporation is located in Northwest Indiana and serves over 5000 students from a 92 square-mile area including Westchester, Jackson, Liberty and parts of Pine Townships, all located in Porter County. Duneland consists of five elementary schools (grades K-4), two intermediate schools (grades 5-6), two middle schools (grades 7-8) and a high school (grades 9-12). Each school has a hot lunch program and bus service is provided to all students living outside of walking boundaries. In partnership with parents and community, Duneland Schools are committed to the maintenance of a program that responds to the individual needs of the children of our community. Duneland employs nearly 386 professional staff, counselors, administrators and specialists. A support staff of approximately 430 provides instructional assistance, transportation, supervision, secretarial, maintenance, child nutrition and custodial services throughout the school district. Parent volunteers, parent organizations and advisory groups are active at each school level and provide a viable link for home, school and community. A special communication calling system is being utilized to send out automated messages to all parents in a matter of minutes via voice or email. This system enables Duneland administration and staff members to communicate general and emergency information with parents.

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